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Why your not seeing results and 3 Tips to help change that

This week I wanted to touch on why you might not be seeing the results in the things you want.

This could be a business venture, personal growth journey, a diet or even a skin journey.

There has been times in my life where I wanted to give up, I felt like nothing was working, felt like maybe I didn't deserve it or that I was good enough. I'm sure that at some point in your life you might have felt some of these things before. So this week I wanted to dive right in and see if I can be of help you spread your wings a little more.

There could be many reasons why your not seeing results, remember, you are in control of your life and you have the power to change it. Here's a few reasons why you might not be seeing results and a few tips on how to change that:

Your not believing in yourself

Believing in yourself is such a big part of getting what you want. To get the results you want, you need to believe that you deserve it. Believe that what ever it is you want or your working towards, is already yours. This has been something I've been living by for a while now, it's a huge reason why I am where I am today. If you don't believe in yourself, why should any one else?

Your not being consistent or showing up for yourself

Another reason you might not be getting the results you want is consistency, honestly, consistency is KEY. Whether it takes a 1 year or 5 years. If you aren't consistent, then don't expect results. Never giving up and showing up for yourself every day, is something that you should always be doing. Be consistent in the things you do and you WILL get what you want. Never give up or you WILL regret it when you see someone else getting your results.

Your not taking care of yourself first

Take care of yourself. Taking care of yourself is a reflection of your work, you should never try and pour from an empty cup. You can't help others or do the things you want to do if your not looking after you first.

It's not selfish to put yourself first, you might feel like it is, but as long as you know your intention, then don't worry about what other people think or have to say about you. Always make sure to rest and take a day for yourself if you need it. It's also okay not to be okay and life does get over whelming sometimes, believe me, I've been there. Never be afraid to say no and always put yourself first.

I hope this has inspired you to keep going and get the results you want and deserve. See you next week for another article.

Love, E x0

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